Tag Archives: Mary Magdalene

Meandering Through the Writings of Others as a Practice of Lament: Matthew 27-28

“The Cross and the Creche” by DS

These First Century Second Covenant Scriptures are considered Christian. However, sources say that Jewish scholars are beginning to claim that the New Testament is written by Jews about Jews. Academics are finally claiming it as their own writings to be studied. This seems right and good to me. I will leave my meanderings in Scripture here for now.

First Century Second Covenant Scriptures

Matthew 27-28

Judas changed his mind

Threw the money on the floor

And went out and hanged


Crucify crucify him

They stripped him and put

A scarlet robe on him

And made a crown from

Long thorns

Spat on him

After the crucifixion

The soldiers threw dice

For his robe

Early Sunday morning

Mary Magdalene and the

Other Mary went out

To the tomb

Suddenly there was a great

Earthquake an angel of the 

Lord came down and rolled

Away the stone

And sat on it

The guards shook with fear

The angel spoke to the women

I know you are looking for Jesus

He is alive

Go quickly and tell his disciples

To meet him in Galilee

I am with you always.

I leave the exploration of Scripture here now with the beginning of the birth, life, death and finally resurrection of the Messiah. Jesus, the God man, according to Scripture, and experience, is alive and acts on our behalf through the Holy Spirit. Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf until the Second Coming. We can keep reading on our own about the things of the past, of the present, and of the things to come in the rest of the books of the New Testament.

Who do you say that I am? Creator, Saviour, Light of the world, Flourisher of humankind.