Monthly Archives: September 2015

Art School

Attended Emily Carr University 2008-2013

“Self-Portait Art School 2011” Attended Emily Carr University 2008-2013

As a part-time art student I was basically out of the community information loop. Most things were announced or told about informally on the days that I was not on campus. Regrettably I missed a lot.

What I did get however was like a weak connection to something as powerful as the World Wide Web of the international and the local art scene. I saw postings on the notice boards. I attended visiting artist lectures. I learned in class about things I had never heard about before. A conference here and there at student prices amazed me with their scope. I explored a new landscape

Even from the periphery it was too much to take in at any one time. I connected here and there as it suited me. It would have been hubris to have said that the relationship was symbiotic. Yet, in a vastly unequal way, it was true. As I took in it added so much to what I had and to what I gave back. I was filled with life and culture. I expressed that.

Art school formed me. My person and work were validated. I came to know my style and my art movement niche. My place in the art community consolidated. I came to know myself through my art. Things came out of my soul that had been latent for years. I have never worked so hard. Rarely have I been so happy.

To a great extent it was the way that God helped me to be who I really am. My world is enlarged. My heart is opened. I see now what I was blind to before. As a narrative painter I have the visual vocabulary now tell the stories I know. Art school was a testing ground, a boot camp, and a playground for the abundant life I now lead.