Monthly Archives: January 2021

Today is a good day for WRITING

“Plum Hellebore and Yellow Daffodil and Dandelion” Still Life Photo DS

Actually, I think any day is a good day for writing. There are so many places to attend to writing: blog, dissertation, field notes, poetry, journal, e-mails, texts, research, that compete for words. The act of writing takes up many hours each day. I was reading a newsletter today and came across this quote:

Joan Didion: Why I Write

“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means.” 

I myself write for the same reason I paint, simply, that it is inside me and it comes out, this text, this image of feeling or experiencing. Some days I tap into it, other days it knocks on my door insisting on expression day or night.

Why do you write or paint or create? I want to know.